
Physik Libre: A bookdown project

The article is an interview with Michael Rundel. Michael is a teacher at a grammar school in Vienna/Austria and teaches physics, computer science, and His project is a practical implementation of cross-media publishing with bookdown, media design. He talks about his experiences with bookdown in writing Physik Libre (, a new textbook on physics. which I had described in my 7-part German tutorial on my other blog Gedankensplitter.
case-study || bookdown

What is obvious, and for whom?

Inspired from a blog post by Yihui Xie, I reflect in this post about communications difficulties between experts (e.g., software engineers) and laypersons (users). Starting position is my fault in providing the full and correct information when filing issues about bookdown and blogdown. Be aware: This is a somewhat theoretical/philosophical discussion.
reflection || bookdown
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