## How to use this presentation?
* Use the controls on the right bottom of the screen.
* Watch out: sometimes there is not only left & right, but also top & down.
* Press `ALT` key (`CTRL` in Linux) and click on any element to zoom towards it. Click again to zoom back out.
* For an overview about the slide structure press `ESC`.
* To end the presentation go back with the browser.
## LATEX Installation: Requirements
At first you have to install
- [R](https://cran.r-project.org/) latest version and
- [RStudio](https://www.rstudio.com/products/RStudio/) ([Preview > v.1.1](https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/preview/)).
Then start RStudio: You will see the following window...
## 1. Create new project
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-new-project.png" style="width: 70%" / style="width: 70%" />
## 2. Choose new directory
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-new-directory.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 3. Select website using blogdown
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-website-using-blogdown.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 4. Choose directory name & location
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-website-using-hugo-and-blogdown.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 4a Pick your [preferred theme](https://themes.gohugo.io/)
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/hugo-themes.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 4b Select theme & get URL
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/academic-theme.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 4c Finish form and install
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/create-website-using-hugo-and-blogdown.png" style="width: 70%" />
## 4d Click "Create Project" button
Click "Create Project" Button und wait some seconds. RStudio will install
- Hugo
- your selected theme and
- blogdown with all dependencies
## 5 Installation is finished!
<img src="/img/blogdown-tutorial/four-pane-view-after-installation.png" style="width: 70%" />
## Close presentation
Press back button of your browser.
(not back button of the slide!).
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